Titles, topics, and hashtags

Use the /gist endpoint if you require a swift breakdown of the essence of your videos. This endpoint operates exclusively on a set of predefined formats to generate the following:

  • Title: Distills the essence of a video into a brief, coherent phrase, facilitating quick understanding and categorization. For example, a title like "From Consumerism to Minimalism: A Journey Toward Sustainable Living" clearly indicates the video's narrative trajectory, emphasizing themes related to consumption patterns and sustainable lifestyles.
  • Topic: Represents the central themes or subjects of a video and provides a high-level understanding based on the meaning conveyed by all modalities. Topics enable effective categorization and quick referencing. For example, "Shopping Vlog Lifestyle" denotes a video covering aspects related to shopping experiences, vlogging, and the associated lifestyle.
  • Hashtag: Concisely summarizes the themes, subjects, or sentiments expressed within a video. Hashtags improve categorization and searchability on social media platforms. For example, hashtags such as #BlackFriday, #ShoppingMania, and #Consumerism indicate key focal points in a video, potentially related to shopping events, consumer behaviors, or broader commentary on consumption patterns.

For a description of each field in the request and response, see theAPI Reference > Generate titles, topics, or hashtags page.

You can interact with the platform using one of the available SDKs or an HTTP client like requests or axios. This guide demonstrates how to use the SDKs, the recommended approach for most scenarios. If you need to make direct HTTP requests, refer to the API Reference > Generate titles, topics, or hashtags page for details.

Depending on your needs, you can generate either a single type of text or multiple types simultaneously with a single API call. Refer to the examples provided below for guidance.


The examples in this guide assume the following:

  • You’re familiar with the concepts that are described on the Platform overview page.
  • You’ve already created an index, and the Pegasus video understanding engine is enabled for this index..
  • You've uploaded a video, and the platform has finished indexing it.

Generate a title

To generate a title based on the content of a video, invoke the gist method of the generate object with the following parameters:

  • video_id: A string representing the unique identifier of the video for which you want to generate a title.
  • types: An array of strings representing the type of text you want to generate . This example uses ["title"].
from twelvelabs import TwelveLabs

client = TwelveLabs(api_key="<YOUR_API_KEY>")

gist = client.generate.gist(
import { TwelveLabs } from 'twelvelabs-js';

const client = new TwelveLabs({ apiKey: '<YOUR_API_KEY>'});

const gist = await client.generate.gist('<YOUR_VIDEO_ID>', ['title']);
console.log(`Title: ${gist.title}`);

The output should look similar to the following one:

Title=A Day in My Life: Graduation, Moving Home, Shopping Hauls, Cooking, and Outdoor Adventures!

Generate a title, topic, and hashtag

To generate a title, topic, and hashtag based on the content of a video, invoke the gist method of the generate object with the following parameters:

  • video_id: A string representing the unique identifier of the video for which you want to generate a title.
  • types: An array of strings representing the types of text you want to generate. This example uses ["title", "topic", "hashtag"].
from twelvelabs import TwelveLabs

client = TwelveLabs(api_key="<YOUR_API_KEY>")

gist = client.generate.gist(
  types=["title", "topic", "hashtag"]
import { TwelveLabs, SearchData } from 'twelvelabs-js';

const client = new TwelveLabs({ apiKey: '<YOUR_API_KEY>'});

const gist = await client.generate.gist('<YOUR_VIDEO_ID>', ['title', 'topic', 'hashtag']);
console.log(`Title: ${gist.title}\nTopics=${gist.topics}\nHashtags=${gist.hashtags}`);

The output should look similar to the following one:

Title=A Day in My Life: Graduation, Moving Home, Shopping Hauls, Cooking, and 
Outdoor Adventures!
Topic=["Lifestyle Vlog"]
Hashtags=["graduation", "moving", "home", "shopping", "hauls", "cooking", "outdoor", 
"adventures", "lifestyle", "vlog"]