JUMP TOTwelve Labs Video Understanding APIIntroductionTypical workflowsManage enginesThe engine objectList enginesgetRetrieve an enginegetManage indexesThe index objectCreate an indexpostList indexesgetRetrieve an indexgetUpdate an indexputDelete an indexdeleteUpload videosThe task objectCreate a video indexing taskpostList video indexing tasksgetRetrieve a video indexing taskgetDelete a video indexing taskdeleteRetrieve tasks by statusgetMake a cloud-to-cloud transferpostManage videosThe video objectList videosgetRetrieve video informationgetUpdate video informationputDelete video informationdeleteText-to-video searchMake a text-to-video search requestpostMake a combined search requestpostRetrieve a specific page of search resultsgetRetrieve a specific page of combined search resultsgetAny-to-video searchMake any-to-video search requestspostRetrieve a specific page of search resultsgetClassifyClassify a set of videospostClassify all the videos in an indexpostRetrieve a specific page of resultsgetCreate text embeddingsThe text embedding objectCreate text embeddingspostCreate video embeddingsThe video embedding objectCreate a video embedding taskpostRetrieve the status of a video embedding taskgetRetrieve video embeddingsgetGenerate text from videoTitles, topics, or hashtagspostSummaries, chapters, or highlightspostOpen-ended textspostExtract video dataRetrieve a transcriptiongetRetrieve text recognized in video (OCR)getExtract logosgetRetrieve a thumbnailgetError codesSDKPython SDKTypical workflowsThe Twelve Labs classManage enginesManage indexesUpload videosManage videosSearchClassifyCreate text embeddingsCreate video embeddingsGenerate text from videoExtract video dataNode.js SDKTypical workflowsThe TwelveLabs classManage enginesManage indexesUpload videosManage videosSearchClassifyCreate text embeddingsCreate video embeddingsGenerate text from videoExtract video dataPowered by List enginesget https://api.twelvelabs.io/v1.2/enginesThis method lists all the engines that are available in your account.