List videos


This method returns a list of the videos in the specified index. By default, the API returns your videos sorted by creation date, with the newest at the top of the list.

Path parameters


The unique identifier of the index for which the API will retrieve the videos.

Query parameters

pageintegerOptionalDefaults to 1

A number that identifies the page to retrieve.

Default: 1.

page_limitintegerOptionalDefaults to 10

The number of items to return on each page.

Default: 10. Max: 50.

sort_bystringOptionalDefaults to created_at

The field to sort on. The following options are available:

  • updated_at: Sorts by the time, in the RFC 3339 format (“YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ”), when the item was updated.
  • created_at: Sorts by the time, in the RFC 3339 format (“YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ”), when the item was created.

Default: created_at.

sort_optionstringOptionalDefaults to desc

The sorting direction. The following options are available:

  • asc
  • desc

Default: desc.


Filter by filename.


Filter by duration. Expressed in seconds.


Filter by frames per second.


Filter by width.


Filter by height.


Filter by size. Expressed in bytes.


Filter videos by the creation date and time of their associated indexing tasks, in the RFC 3339 format (“YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ”). The platform returns the videos whose indexing tasks were created on the specified date at or after the given time.


This filter applies only to videos updated using the PUT method of the /indexes/{index-id}/videos/{video-id} endpoint. It filters videos by the last update date and time, in the RFC 3339 format (“YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ”). The platform returns the video indexing tasks that were last updated on the specified date at or after the given time.

user_metadatamap from strings to optional strings or doubles or booleansOptional

To enable filtering by custom fields, you must first add user-defined metadata to your video by calling the PUT method of the /indexes/:index-id/videos/:video-id endpoint.


  • To filter on a string: ?category=recentlyAdded
  • To filter on an integer: ?batchNumber=5
  • To filter on a float: ?rating=9.3
  • To filter on a boolean: ?needsReview=true


The video vectors in the specified index have successfully been retrieved.

datalist of objectsOptional

An array that contains up to page_limit videos.


Simple page information object that provides information about pagination.


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