Error codes

This page lists the most common error messages you may encounter while using the API service.


  • parameter_invalid
    • The {parameter} parameter is invalid.
  • The following parameters are invalid: {parameters}.
  • The request contains some invalid parameters.
  • parameter_not_provided
    • The {parameter} parameter is required but was not provided.
    • The following required parameters were not provided: {parameters}.
    • Some required parameters are not provided.
  • parameter_unknown
    • The {parameter} parameter is unknown.
    • The following parameters are unknown: {parameters}.
    • The request contains some unknown parameters.
  • resource_not_exist
    • Resource with id {resource_id} does not exist in {collection_name}.
  • api_key_invalid
    • API Key is either invalid or expired. Please check your API key or generate a new one from the dashboard and try again.
  • tags_not_allowed
    • Tag {tag} is not allowed to use. Please remove it from the request.
    • The following tags are not allowed to be used: {tags}. Please remove these from the request.
  • api_upgrade_required
    • This endpoint is supported starting with version {version}. Your version is {current_version}.

The /indexes endpoint

  • index_option_cannot_be_changed
    • Index option cannot be changed. Please remove index_options parameter and try again. If you want to change index option, please create new index.
  • index_engine_cannot_be_changed
    • Index engine cannot be changed. Please remove engine_id parameter and try again. If you want to change engine, please create new index.
  • index_name_already_exists
    • Index name {index_name} already exists. Please use another unique name and try again.

The /tasks endpoint

  • video_resolution_too_low
    • Resolution of video is too low. Please use video with resolution between 360p(640x360) and 1080p(1920x1080). Current resolution is {current_resolution}.
  • video_resolution_too_high
    • Resolution of video is too high. Please use video with resolution between 360p(640x360) and 1080p(1920x1080). Current resolution is {current_resolution}.
  • video_duration_too_short
    • Video is too short. Please use video with duration between 10 seconds and 2 hours(7200 seconds). Current duration is {current_duration} seconds.
  • video_duration_too_long
    • Video is too long. Please use video with duration between 10 seconds and 2 hours(7200 seconds). Current duration is {current_duration} seconds.
  • video_audio_track_not_exists
    • Audio track does not exists in the video. Audio is required if index uses conversation index option. Please use a video with audio track or use another index without conversation option.
  • video_file_broken
    • Cannot read video file. Please check the video file is valid and try again.
  • transcription_not_supported
    • Cannot provide transcription because index {index_id} doesn't use conversation option. Please remove “provide_transcription”, “transcription_url” and “transcription_file” parameters and try again. If you want to provide transcription, please use another index with using conversation option.
  • transcription_url_not_exists
    • Cannot find transcription url {transcription_url}. Please use an existing url.
  • transcription_url_not_accessible
    • Cannot access transcription url {transcription_url}. Please use an accessible url.
  • task_cannot_be_deleted
    • (Returns raw error message)
  • usage_limit_exceeded
  • video_filesize_too_large
    • The video is too large. Please use a video with a size less than {maximum_size}. The current size is {current_file_size}.

The /tasks/transfers endpoint

  • transcription_transfer_not_supported
    • In order to provide your custom transcriptions, the conversation option must be enabled for the {index_id} index. Please try using another index for which the conversation option is enabled, or remove the transcription fields from your JSON file.
  • transfer_bucket_not_integrated
    • Does not have access to read the files in your S3 bucket {bucket_name}. Grant access to read the files in your S3 bucket by following the cloud-to-cloud transfer guide.
  • transfer_bucket_invalid_url
    • URL provided for transfer is not a AWS S3. Please use a "us-west-2" region AWS S3 url with necessary files in it and try again. Current url is {current_url}.
  • transfer_bucket_region_not_supported
    • Transfer bucket's region must be "us-west-2" region. Please use another bucket which is in "us-west-2" region. Current region is {current_region}.

The /search endpoint

  • search_option_not_supported
    • Search option {search_option} is not supported for index {index_id}. Please use one of the following search options: {supported_search_option}.
  • search_option_combination_not_supported
    • Search option {search_option} is not supported with {other_combination}.
  • search_filter_invalid
    • Filter used in search is invalid. Please use the valid filter syntax by following filtering documentation.
  • search_page_token_expired
    • The token that identifies the page to be retrieved is expired or invalid. You must make a new search request. Token: {next_page_token}.
  • index_not_supported_for_search:
    • You can only perform search requests on indexes with an engine from the Marengo family enabled.
  • index_not_supported_for_generate
    • You can only summarize videos uploaded to an index with an engine from the Pegasus family enabled.

The /generate endpoint

  • token_limit_exceeded
    • Your request could not be processed due to exceeding maximum token limit. Please try with another request or another video with shorter duration.

The /summarize endpoint

  • token_limit_exceeded
    • Your request could not be processed due to exceeding maximum token limit. Please try with another request or another video with shorter duration.

The /embed endpoint

  • parameter_invalid
    • The text parameter is invalid. The text token length should be less than or equal to 77.
    • The text_truncate parameter is invalid. You should use one of the following values: none, start, end.

The /embed/tasks endpoint

  • parameter_invalid
    • The video_clip_length parameter is invalid. video_clip_length should be within 2-10 seconds long
    • The video_end_offset_sec parameter is invalid. video_end_offset_sec should be greater than video_start_offset_sec

The /embed/tasks/{task-id}/status endpoint

  • parameter_invalid
    • The task_id parameter is invalid. task_id value is invalid