Upload videos

A video indexing task represents a request to upload and index a video. The Resources.Task class provides methods to manage your video indexing tasks.


Create a video indexing task

Description: This method creates a new video indexing task that uploads and indexes a video.

Function signature and example:

async create(body: CreateTaskParams, options: RequestOptions = {}): Promise<Models.Task> 
import { Task } from 'twelvelabs-js';

const task = await client.task.create({
  indexId: '<YOUR_INDEX_ID>',
  file: '<YOUR_FILE_PATH>',
  transcriptionFile: '<YOUR_TRANSCRIPTION_FILE>'),
console.log(`Task ID:${task.id}`);
await task.waitForDone(500, (task: Task) => {
  console.log(`  Status=${task.status}`);

if (task.status !== 'ready') {
  throw new Error(`Indexing failed with status ${task.status}`);
console.log(`Video ID: ${task.videoId}`);


bodyCreateTaskParamsYesParameters for creating the new video indexing task.
optionsRequestOptionsNoAdditional options for the request. Defaults to {}.

The CreateTaskParams interface defines the parameters for creating a new video indexing task:

indexIdstringYesThe unique identifier of the index to which the video will be uploaded.
fileBuffer | NodeJS.ReadableStream | stringNoThe file you want to upload. This parameter can be a Buffer, a ReadableStream, or a string representing the path to the file.
urlstringNoThe publicly accessible URL of the video you want to upload.
transcriptionFileBuffer | NodeJS.ReadableStream | stringNoThe transcription file. This parameter can be a Buffer, a ReadableStream, or a string representing the path to the file.
transcriptionUrlstringNoThe URL of the transcription file.
languagestringNoThe language of the video.
disableVideoStreambooleanNoIndicates if the platform stores the video for streaming.

Return value: Returns a Promise that resolves to a Models.Task instance representing the newly created video indexing task.



As shown in the example code above, you can use the waitForDone method of the Models.Task class to monitor the status of a video indexing task until it completes.

API Reference: For a description of each field in the request and response, see the Create a video indexing task page.

Related guide: Upload single videos.

Retrieve a video indexing task

Description: This method retrieves the details of a specific video indexing task.

Function signature and example:

async retrieve(id: string, options: RequestOptions = {}): Promise<Models.Task> 
const retrievedTask = await client.task.retrieve("<YOUR_TASK_ID>");
console.log(`Task ID=${retrievedTask.id}`);
console.log(`Index ID: ${retrievedTask.indexId}`);
console.log(`Video ID: ${retrievedTask.videoId}`);
console.log(`Estimated time: ${retrievedTask.estimatedTime}`);
console.log(`Status: ${retrievedTask.status}`);

for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(retrievedTask.metadata)) {
  console.log(`  ${key}: ${value}`);

if (retrievedTask.hls) {
  console.log(`  Video URL: ${retrievedTask.hls.videoUrl}`);
  console.log("  Thumbnail URLs:");
  for (const url of retrievedTask.hls.thumbnailUrls || []) {
    console.log(`    ${url}`);
  console.log(`  Status: ${retrievedTask.hls.status}`);
  console.log(`  Updated at: ${retrievedTask.hls.updatedAt}`);

if (retrievedTask.process) {
  console.log(`  Percentage: ${retrievedTask.process.percentage}%`);
  console.log(`  Remaining Seconds: ${retrievedTask.process.remainSeconds}`);

console.log(`Created at: ${retrievedTask.createdAt}`);
console.log(`Updated at: ${retrievedTask.updatedAt}`);


idstringYesThe unique identifier of the task to retrieve.
optionsRequestOptionsNoAdditional options for the request. Defaults to {}.

Return value: Returns a Promise that resolves to a Models.Task instance.

API Reference: For a description of each field in the response, see the Retrieve a video indexing task.

List video indexing tasks with direct pagination

Description: This method returns a list of the video indexing tasks in your account. By default, the platform returns your video indexing tasks sorted by creation date, with the newest at the top of the list. Choose this method mainly when the total number of items is manageable, or you must fetch a single page of results.

Function signature and example:

async list(
  { id, createdAt, updatedAt, ...restParams }: ListTaskParams = {},
  options: RequestOptions = {},
): Promise<Models.Task[]>
const listParams = {
  id: '<YOUR_TASK_ID>',
  index_id: '<YOUR_INDEX_ID>',
  filename: '<YOUR_FILENAME>',
  duration: 20,
  height: 1080,
  sortBy: 'updated_at',
  sortOption: 'asc',
  estimatedTime: '2024-09-17T07:55:22.125Z',
  page: 2,
  pageLimit: 5,
const tasks = await client.task.list(listParams)
tasks.forEach(task => {
  console.log(`Task ID=${task.id}`);
  console.log(`Index ID: ${task.indexId}`);
  console.log(`Video ID: ${task.videoId}`);
  console.log(`Estimated time: ${task.estimatedTime}`);
  console.log(`Status: ${task.status}`);
  for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(task.metadata)) {
    console.log(`  ${key}: ${value}`);

  if (task.hls) {
    console.log(`  Video URL: ${task.hls.videoUrl}`);
    console.log("  Thumbnail URLs:");
    for (const url of task.hls.thumbnailUrls || []) {
      console.log(`    ${url}`);
    console.log(`  Status: ${task.hls.status}`);
    console.log(`  Updated at: ${task.hls.updatedAt}`);

  if (task.process) {
    console.log(`  Percentage: ${task.process.percentage}%`);
    console.log(`  Remaining Seconds: ${task.process.remainSeconds}`);

  console.log(`Created at: ${task.createdAt}`);
  console.log(`Updated at: ${task.updatedAt}`);


paramsListTaskParamsNoParameters for filtering the list of tasks. Defaults to {}.
optionsRequestOptionsNoAdditional options for the request. Defaults to {}.

The ListTaskParams interface extends the PageOptions interface and defines the parameters for listing video indexing tasks:

idstringNoFilter by the unique identifier of a video indexing task.
indexIdstringNoFilter by the unique identifier of an index.
filenamestringNoFilter by the name of a video file.
durationnumberNoFilter by the duration of a video expressed in seconds.
widthnumberNoFilter by the width of a video.
heightnumberNoFilter by the height of a video.
createdAtstring | Record<string, string>NoFilter by the creation date of a video indexing task. This parameter can be a string or an object with string keys and values for range queries.
updatedAtstring | Record<string, string>NoFilter by the last update date of a video indexing task. This parameter can be a string or an object with string keys and values for range queries.
estimatedTimenumberNoFilter by the estimated processing time, expressed in seconds.

The following properties are inherited from PageOptions:

pagenumberNoPage number for pagination. Defaults to 1.
pageLimitnumberNoNumber of items per page. Defaults to 10.
sortBy'createdAt' | 'updatedAt'NoField to sort by ("createdAt" or "updatedAt"). Defaults to "createAt".
sortOption'asc' | 'desc'NoSort order ("asc" or "desc"). Defaults to "desc".

Return value: Returns a Promise that resolves to an array of Models.Task instances.

API Reference: For a description of each field in the request and response, see the List video indexing tasks page.

Related guides:

List video indexing tasks with iterative pagination

Description: This method returns a paginated list of the video indexing tasks in your account. Choose this method mainly when your application must retrieve a large number of items. By default, the platform returns your video indexing tasks sorted by creation date, with the newest at the top of the list.

Function signature and example:

async listPagination(
  { id, createdAt, updatedAt, ...restParams }: ListTaskParams = {},
  options: RequestOptions = {},
): Promise<Models.TaskListWithPagination>
function printPage(page) {
  page.forEach(task => {
    console.log(`Task ID=${task.id}`);
    console.log(`Index ID: ${task.indexId}`);
    console.log(`Video ID: ${task.videoId}`);
    console.log(`Estimated time: ${task.estimatedTime}`);
    console.log(`Status: ${task.status}`);
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(task.metadata)) {
      console.log(`  ${key}: ${value}`);
    if (task.hls) {
      console.log(`  Video URL: ${task.hls.videoUrl}`);
      console.log("  Thumbnail URLs:");
      for (const url of task.hls.thumbnailUrls || []) {
        console.log(`    ${url}`);
      console.log(`  Status: ${task.hls.status}`);
      console.log(`  Updated at: ${task.hls.updatedAt}`);
    if (task.process) {
      console.log(`  Percentage: ${task.process.percentage}%`);
      console.log(`  Remaining Seconds: ${task.process.remainSeconds}`);
    console.log(`Created at: ${task.createdAt}`);
    console.log(`Updated at: ${task.updatedAt}`);
const listParams = {
    id: '<YOUR_TASK_ID>',
    index_id: '<YOUR_INDEX_ID>',
    filename: '<YOUR_FILENAME>',
    duration: 20,
    height: 1080,
    sortBy: 'updated_at',
    sortOption: 'asc',
    createdAt: '2024-09-17T07:53:46.365Z',
    updatedAt: '2024-09-17T07:53:46.365Z',
    estimatedTime: '2024-09-17T07:55:22.125Z',
    page: 2,
    pageLimit: 5,

// Fetch the initial page of results
const taskPaginator = await client.task.listPagination(listParams);

// Print the first page of results

// Iterate through subsequent pages
while (true) {
const nextTaskPage = await taskPaginator.next();
if (!nextTaskPage) {
    console.log('No more pages of index results available');


paramsListTaskParamsNoParameters for filtering and paginating the list of tasks. Defaults to {}.
optionsRequestOptionsNoAdditional options for the request. Defaults to {}.

The ListTaskParams interface extends the PageOptions interface and defines the parameters for listing video indexing tasks:

idstringNoFilter by the unique identifier of a video indexing task.
indexIdstringNoFilter by the unique identifier of an index.
filenamestringNoFilter by the name of a video file.
durationnumberNoFilter by the duration of a video expressed in seconds.
widthnumberNoFilter by the width of a video.
heightnumberNoFilter by the height of a video.
createdAtstring | Record<string, string>NoFilter by the creation date of a video indexing task. This parameter can be a string or an object with string keys and values for range queries.
updatedAtstring | Record<string, string>NoFilter by the last update date of a video indexing task. This parameter can be a string or an object with string keys and values for range queries.
estimatedTimenumberNoFilter by the estimated processing time, expressed in seconds.

The following properties are inherited from PageOptions:

pagenumberNoPage number for pagination. Defaults to 1.
pageLimitnumberNoNumber of items per page. Defaults to 10.
sortBy'createdAt' | 'updatedAt'NoField to sort by ("createdAt" or "updatedAt"). Defaults to "createdAt".
sortOption'asc' | 'desc'NoSort order ("asc" or "desc"). Defaults to "desc".

Return value: Returns a Promise that resolves to a Models.TaskListWithPagination instance.



To retrieve subsequent pages of results, use the async iterator protocol:

  1. Invoke the nextmethod of the TaskListWithPagination object.
  2. Repeat this call until the method returns a promise that resolves tonull, indicating no more pages exist.

API Reference: For a description of each field in the request and response, see the List video indexing tasks page.

Related guides:

Delete a video indexing task

Description: This method deletes an existing video indexing task.

Function signature and example:

async delete(id: string, options: RequestOptions = {}): Promise<void>
await client.task.delete('<YOUR_TASK_ID>');


idstringYesThe unique identifier of the video indexing task to delete.
optionsRequestOptionsNoAdditional options for the request. Defaults to {}.

Return value: Returns a Promise that resolves to void. This method doesn't return any data upon successful completion.

API Refference: Delete a video indexing task.

Make a cloud-to-cloud-transfer

Description: This method makes a cloud-to-cloud transfer. Cloud-to-cloud transfers allow you to upload multiple videos at once by grouping multiple video indexing operations in a single API call. Initially, this feature is supported for the "us-west-2" region of AWS S3.

Function signature and example:

async transfer(file: Buffer | NodeJS.ReadableStream, options: RequestOptions = {}): Promise<void>


fileBuffer | NodeJS.ReadableStreamYesA JSON file that contains a list of the files you wish to upload.
optionsRequestOptionsNoAdditional options for the request. Defaults to {}.

Return value: Returns a Promise that resolves to void. This method doesn't return any data upon successful completion.

API Reference: For a description of each field in the request, see the Make a cloud-to-cloud transfer page.

Related guide: Cloud-to-cloud transfers