Create a video indexing task

Use this method to create a new video indexing task that uploads a video to the platform and makes it searchable. Note the following about creating a new video indexing task:

  • To upload a file that resides on the local file system, pass the video_file parameter. It must be a stream of bytes encoded as multipart/form-data.
  • To upload a file from a publicly accessible URL, pass the video_url parameter with the URL of your video. It must be a string.
  • You must specify at least one of the video_file and video_url parameters. If you specify both the video_url and video_file parameters in the same request, the video_url parameter takes precedence over video_file.
  • To provide a transcription file, you must set the provide_transcription parameter to true and specify at least one of the transcription_file and transcription_url parameters:
    • Use the transcription_file parameter to provide a transcription from the local file system. It must be a stream of bytes encoded as multipart/form-data.
    • Use the transcription_url parameter to provide a transcription file from a publicly accessible URL. It must be a string.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!