Create a video embedding task

This method creates a new video embedding task that uploads a video to the platform and creates one or multiple video embeddings.

Ensure your video meets the requirements in the Prerequisites section of the Create video embeddings page.

Upload options:

  • Local file: Use the video_file parameter
  • Publicly accessible URL: Use the video_url parameter.

Specify at least one option. If both are provided, video_url takes precedence.


  • The “Marengo-retrieval-2.6” video understanding engine generates embeddings for all modalities in the same latent space. This shared space enables any-to-any searches across different types of content.
  • Video embeddings are stored for seven days.
  • The platform supports uploading video files that can play without additional user interaction or custom video players. Ensure your URL points to the raw video file, not a web page containing the video. Links to third-party hosting sites, cloud storage services, or videos requiring extra steps to play are not supported.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!