Indexes and tasks

When you have a large number of results, it is useful to fine-tune your requests using filters. The GET method of the /indexes, /indexes/videos, and/tasks endpoints support filtering.

To filter the results of an API query, you must specify one or more conditions after the endpoint in the URL of the call. To separate the endpoint and the conditions, you must use a ? symbol. If you add multiple conditions, you must separate them using the & symbol.

A condition consists of an expression that specifies:

  • The field you want to filter on
  • An operator
  • The value to compare to

To indicate the relationship between a field and its value, you can use the exact match or comparison operators.

Exact match operator

Use the exact match operator (=) to match only the results that equal the value you specify. The syntax is as follows: <field>=<value>.

Comparison operators

Use the comparison operators ([lte]= and [gte]=) to match based on the arithmetic comparison. The syntax is as follows <field>[lte]=<value> and <field>[gte]=<value>.

Filter composition

You can add multiple filters to a single query. For example, if you want to filter all the video indexing tasks created on a specific date and whose status is pending, you must specify both the created_at and status fields in the query parameters, as shown in this example: created_at=2022-05-17&status=pending.


Most of the examples in this section are specific to using the /tasks endpoint. However, the principles demonstrated are similar when using the /indexes and /indexes/videos endpoints.



Depending on the endpoint, you can filter on various fields. For details, see the API Reference section.


  • You’re familiar with the concepts that are described on the Platform overview page.

Filter on a specific date

The following example code uses the created_at query parameter and the exact match operator to return all the items created on a specific date:

TASKS_URL = f"{API_URL}/tasks?created_at=2022-05-17"
response = requests.get(TASKS_URL, headers=headers)
print (f”Status code: {response.status_code}”)
pprint (response.json())
const TASKS_URL = `${API_URL}/tasks?created_at=2022-05-17`
const config = {
  method: 'get',
  url: TASKS_URL,
  headers: headers,
const resp = await axios(config)
const response = await
console.log(`Status code: ${resp.status}`)

The following example output was truncated for brevity:

Status code: 200
{'data': [{'_id': '6283ab5ef18e21febd160bc3',
           'created_at': '2022-05-17T14:04:14.001Z',
           'estimated_time': '2022-05-17T14:15:14.667Z',
           'index_id': '6283aa51f18e21febd160bc0',
           'metadata': {'duration': 966.598967,
                        'filename': 'animal-encounters-03.mp4',
                        'height': 480,
                        'width': 854},
           'status': 'ready',
           'updated_at': '2022-05-17T14:16:44.857Z'},

          {'_id': '6283a0a8f18e21febd160bbf',
           'created_at': '2022-05-17T13:18:32.388Z',
           'estimated_time': '2022-05-17T13:31:26.808Z',
           'index_id': '6283990ff18e21febd160bbb',
           'metadata': {'duration': 966.598967,
                        'filename': 'animal-encounters-03.mp4',
                        'height': 480,
                        'width': 854},
           'status': 'ready',
           'updated_at': '2022-05-17T13:31:28.316Z'},
          {'_id': '6283a00df18e21febd160bbc',
           'created_at': '2022-05-17T13:15:57.053Z',
           'estimated_time': '2022-05-17T13:28:11.817Z',
           'index_id': '6283990ff18e21febd160bbb',
           'metadata': {'duration': 531.998133,
                        'filename': 'animal-encounters-01.mp4',
                        'height': 480,
                        'width': 854},
           'status': 'ready',
           'updated_at': '2022-05-17T13:29:56.485Z'}],
 'page_info': {'limit_per_page': 10,
               'page': 1,
               'total_page': 1,
               'total_results': 7}

Filter on a date range

To display all the items created in a date range, you must combine the lte and gte operators. The following example code returns all the video indexing tasks created between 2022-05-15 and 2022-05-16:

TASKS_URL = f"{API_URL}/tasks?created_at[gte]=2022-05-15&created_at[lte]=2022-05-16"
response = requests.get(TASKS_URL, headers=headers)
print (f”Status code: {response.status_code}”)
pprint (response.json())
const TASKS_URL = `${API_URL}/tasks?created_at[gte]=2022-05-15&created_at[lte]=2022-05-16`
const config = {
  method: 'get',
  url: TASKS_URL,
  headers: headers,
const resp = await axios(config)
const response = await
console.log(`Status code: ${resp.status}`)

The output should look similar to the following one:

Status code: 200
{'data': [{'_id': '62823d4df18e21febd160bb5',
           'created_at': '2022-05-16T12:02:20.977Z',
           'estimated_time': '2022-05-16T12:14:32.26Z',
           'index_id': '627de802f18e21febd160ba9',
           'metadata': {'duration': 810.84,
                        'filename': 'best-racing-moments.mp4',
                        'height': 480,
                        'width': 854},
           'status': 'ready',
           'updated_at': '2022-05-16T12:14:34.824Z'}],
 'page_info': {'limit_per_page': 10,
               'page': 1,
               'total_page': 1,
               'total_results': 1}

Filter based on a file name

To filter based on a file name, use the filename query parameter and the exact match operator as shown in the example below:

TASKS_URL = f"{API_URL}/tasks?filename=best-racing-moments.mp4"
response = requests.get(TASKS_URL, headers=headers)
print (f”Status code: {response.status_code}”)
pprint (response.json())
const TASKS_URL = `${API_URL}/tasks?filename=best-racing-moments.mp4`
const config = {
  method: 'get',
  url: TASKS_URL,
  headers: headers,
const resp = await axios(config)
const response = await
console.log(`Status code: ${resp.status}`)

Filter based on duration

To filter based on the duration of a video, use the duration query parameter and either the exact match or the comparison operators.

Use the exact match operator

The example below uses the exact match operator to display all the videos of a specific duration (810 seconds):

TASKS_URL = f"{API_URL}/tasks?duration=810"
response = requests.get(TASKS_URL, headers=headers)
print (f”Status code: {response.status_code}”)
pprint (response.json())
const TASKS_URL = `${API_URL}/tasks?duration=810`
const config = {
  method: 'get',
  url: TASKS_URL,
  headers: headers,
const resp = await axios(config)
const response = await
console.log(`Status code: ${resp.status}`)

The output should look similar to the following one:

Status code: 200
{'data': [{'_id': '62823d4df18e21febd160bb5',
           'created_at': '2022-05-16T12:02:20.977Z',
           'estimated_time': '2022-05-16T12:14:32.26Z',
           'index_id': '627de802f18e21febd160ba9',
           'metadata': {'duration': 810.84,
                        'filename': 'best-racing-moments.mp4',
                        'height': 480,
                        'width': 854},
           'status': 'ready',
           'updated_at': '2022-05-16T12:14:34.824Z'}],
 'page_info': {'limit_per_page': 10,
               'page': 1,
               'total_page': 1,
               'total_results': 1}



The API rounds down the duration of the videos when using the exact match operator to filter based on duration.

Use the comparison operators

The example below uses the comparison operators to filter videos longer than 600 seconds and shorter than 820 seconds:

TASKS_URL = f"{API_URL}/tasks?duration[gte]=600&duration[lte]=820"
response = requests.get(TASKS_URL, headers=headers)
print (f”Status code: {response.status_code}”)
pprint (response.json())
const TASKS_URL = `${API_URL}/tasks?duration[gte]=600&duration[lte]=820`
const config = {
  method: 'get',
  url: TASKS_URL,
  headers: headers,
const resp = await axios(config)
const response = await
console.log(`Status code: ${resp.status}`)

The output should look similar to the following one:

Status code: 200
{'data': [{'_id': '6283a07ef18e21febd160bbe',
           'created_at': '2022-05-17T13:17:50.564Z',
           'estimated_time': '2022-05-17T13:28:55.578Z',
           'index_id': '6283990ff18e21febd160bbb',
           'metadata': {'duration': 700.24,
                        'filename': 'animal-encounters-02.mp4',
                        'height': 480,
                        'width': 854},
           'status': 'ready',
           'updated_at': '2022-05-17T13:30:54.078Z'},
          {'_id': '6283a059f18e21febd160bbd',
           'created_at': '2022-05-17T13:17:13.524Z',
           'estimated_time': '2022-05-17T13:28:55.569Z',
           'index_id': '6283990ff18e21febd160bbb',
           'metadata': {'duration': 700.24,
                        'filename': 'animal-encounters-01.mp4',
                        'height': 480,
                        'width': 854},
           'status': 'ready',
           'updated_at': '2022-05-17T13:30:41.95Z'},
          {'_id': '62823d4df18e21febd160bb5',
           'created_at': '2022-05-16T12:02:20.977Z',
           'estimated_time': '2022-05-16T12:14:32.26Z',
           'index_id': '627de802f18e21febd160ba9',
           'metadata': {'duration': 810.84,
                        'filename': 'best-racing-moments.mp4',
                        'height': 480,
                        'width': 854},
           'status': 'ready',
           'updated_at': '2022-05-16T12:14:34.824Z'}],
 'page_info': {'limit_per_page': 10,
               'page': 1,
               'total_page': 1,
               'total_results': 3}

Filter on custom metadata

The example code below filters your list of videos on a custom field named views of type integer. For details about specifying custom metadata, see the Provide custom metadata page. The platform will return only the videos for which the value of the views field equals 120000.

INDEXES_VIDEOS_URL = f"{API_URL}/indexes/{INDEX_ID}/videos"
queryString = {
  "views" : 120000

response = requests.get(INDEXES_VIDEOS_URL, headers=headers, params=queryString)
print (f'Status code: {response.status_code}')
const INDEXES_VIDEOS_URL = `${API_URL}/indexes/${INDEX_ID}/videos`

const resp = await axios.get(
    'params': {
      'views': 120000
    'headers': {
      'x-api-key': API_KEY
const { data: response } = resp;
console.log(`Status code: ${resp.status}`)