The header contains a field named TL-Signature. This allows you to verify that the event was sent by TwelveLabs. The TL-Signature field is composed of two parts:

  • t : A Unix timestamp representing the time when the platform has sent the notification.
  • v1 : A signature generated uniquely for each webhook event, using HMAC with SHA-256. For instructions on how you can verify the signature, see the Validate the integrity of an event section.

Response schema

Responses are in JSON format and contain the following fields:

  • id: A string representing the unique identifier of the notification.
  • created_at: A string indicating the date and time, in the RFC 3339 format, that the platform has sent the notification.
  • type: A string indicating the type of event. It can take one of the following values:
    • index.task.ready: Specifies that your video is ready to be searched
    • index.task.failed: Specifies that the video indexing task has failed.
  • data: An object that contains the following information:
    • id: A string representing the unique identifier of the video indexing task.
    • metadata: An object containing metadata about the video such as its duration.
    • status: A string representing the status of the video indexing task. For details about the possible statuses, see the Task object page.
    • models: A list of objects containing the video understanding models and the associated model options used to index this video.
    • tags: An array of strings representing the tags associated with this video indexing task.


POST /user-webhook-endpoint HTTP/1.1
TL-Signature: t=1659342128,v1=0f596565898448fe00d22c52fcaddffb1d1054da3b1d47268b99b6041c79aa29
"id": "whe_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"created_at": "2022-08-01T17:22:18.372553+09:00",
"type": "index.task.ready",
"data": {
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"metadata": { "duration": 30 },
"status": "ready",
"models": [
"name": "marengo2.7", "options": ["visual", "audio"]
"name": "pegasus1", "options": ["visual", "audio"]
"tags": []
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