The Resources.Search class provides methods to perform searches.


Make a search request

Description: This method performs a search across a specific index based on the provided parameters and returns the first page of results.

Function signature and example:

1async query(
2 {
3 indexId,
4 query,
5 queryText,
6 queryMediaType,
7 queryMediaFile,
8 queryMediaUrl,
9 options: searchOptions,
10 groupBy,
11 threshold,
12 operator,
13 conversationOption,
14 filter,
15 pageLimit,
16 sortOption,
17 adjustConfidenceLevel,
18 }: SearchOptions,
19 options: RequestOptions = {},
20): Promise<Models.SearchResult>


paramsSearchOptionsYesParameters for performing the search.
optionsRequestOptionsNoAdditional options for the request. Defaults to {}.

The SearchOptions interface defines the parameters for performing a search request:

indexIdstringYesThe unique identifier of the index to search.
queryTextstringNoThe text query to search for. This parameter is required for text queries.
queryMediaType'image'NoThe type of media you wish to use. This parameter is required for media queries. For example, to perform an image-based search, set this parameter to image.
queryMediaFileBuffer | NodeJS.ReadableStream | stringNoThe media file to be used as a query. This parameter can be a Buffer, a ReadableStream, or a string representing the path to the file.
queryMediaUrlstringNoThe publicly accessible URL of a media file to use as a query. This parameter is required for media queries if query_media_file is not provided.
options('visual' | 'audio')[]NoSpecifies the sources of information the platform uses when performing a search
groupBy'video' | 'clip'NoUse this parameter to group or ungroup items in a response.
threshold'high' | 'medium' | 'low'NoFilter on the level of confidence that the results match your query.
operator'or' | 'and'NoTLogical operator for combining search options.
filterRecord<string, any>NoAdditional filters for the search. This parameter can contain any key-value pairs.
pageLimitnumberNoThe maximum number of results per page.
sortOption'score' | 'clip_count'NoThe sort order for the response.
adjustConfidenceLevelnumberNoThe strictness of the thresholds for assigning the high, medium, or low confidence levels to search results.

Return value: Returns a Promise that resolves to a Models.SearchResult object containing the search results.

API Reference: For a description of each field in the request and response, see the Any-to-video search page.

Related guides:

Retrieve a specific page of search results

Description: This method retrieves a specific page of search results.


This method provides direct pagination. Choose it mainly when the total number of items is manageable, or you must fetch a single page of results. When your application must retrieve a large number of items, choose iterative pagination. For details, see the Iterative pagination section.

Function signature and example:

1async byPageToken(pageToken: string, options: RequestOptions = {}): Promise<Models.SearchResult>


pageTokenstringYesA token that identifies the page to retrieve.
optionsRequestOptionsNoAdditional options for the request. Defaults to {}.

Return value: Returns a Promise that resolves to a Models.SearchResult object containing the search results.

API Reference: For a description of each field in the request and response, see the Retrieve a specific page of search results page.

Related guides:

Iterative pagination

If your application must retrieve a large number of items, use iterative pagination. To retrieve the first page of results, invoke the query method of the search object. To retrieve subsequent pages of results, use the async iterator protocol.

1function printSearchData(data) {
2 console.log(` Score: ${data.score}`);
3 console.log(` Start: ${data.start}`);
4 console.log(` End: ${data.end}`);
5 console.log(` Video ID: ${data.videoId}`);
6 console.log(` Confidence: ${data.confidence}`);
7 console.log(` Thumbnail URL: ${data.thumbnailUrl}`);
10function printPage(result, pageNumber) {
11 console.log(`Page ${pageNumber}`);
13 // Print the search results
14 console.log("Search Results:");
15 const data = || result;
16 data.forEach(item => {
17 if ('clips' in item) {
18 console.log(`Video ID: ${}`);
19 if (item.clips) {
20 item.clips.forEach(clip => {
21 printSearchData(clip);
22 });
23 }
24 } else {
25 printSearchData(item);
26 }
27 });
30let searchResults = await{
31 indexId: "<YOUR_INDEX_ID>",
32 queryText: "<YOUR_QUERY>",
33 options: ["visual", "audio"],
34 groupBy: "clip",
35 threshold: "medium",
36 operator: "or",
37 filter: {
38 "metadata.language": "en",
39 },
40 sortOption: "score",
41 adjustConfidenceLevel: 0.5,
42 pageLimit: 5
45// Print the search pool information
46console.log("Search pool:");
47console.log(` Total count: ${searchResults.pool.totalCount}`);
48console.log(` Total duration: ${searchResults.pool.totalDuration}`);
49console.log(` Index ID: ${searchResults.pool.indexId}`);
51let pageNumber = 1;
52printPage(searchResults, pageNumber);
54while (true) {
55 const nextPage = await;
56 if (nextPage === null) break;
57 pageNumber++;
58 printPage(nextPage, pageNumber);
61console.log("No more results.");
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