Create text, image, and audio embeddings

The Resources.Embed class provides methods to create text, image, and audio embeddings.

Create text, image, and audio embeddings

Description: This method creates a new embedding.

Note that you must specify at least the following parameters:

  • modelName: The name of the video understanding model to use.
  • One or more of the following input types:
    • text: For text embeddings
    • audioUrl or audioFile: For audio embeddings. If you specify both, the audioUrl parameter takes precedence.
    • imageUrl or imageFile: For image embeddings. If you specify both, the imageUrl parameter takes precedence.

You must provide at least one input type, but you can include multiple types in a single function call.

Function signature and example:

1async create(
2 { modelName, text, textTruncate, audioUrl, audioFile, imageUrl, imageFile }: CreateEmbedParams,
3 options: RequestOptions = {},
4): Promise<Models.CreateEmbeddingsResult>


paramsCreateEmbedParamsYesParameters for creating the text embedding.
optionsRequestOptionsNoAdditional options for the request. Defaults to {}.

The CreateEmbedParams interface defines the parameters for creating a text embedding.

modelNamestringYesThe name of the video understanding model to use. Example: “Marengo-retrieval-2.7”.
textstringYesThe text for which you want to create an embedding.
textTruncate'none' | 'start' | 'end'NoSpecifies how to truncate the text if it exceeds the maximum length of 77 tokens.

Return value: Returns a Promise that resolves to a Models.CreateEmbeddingsResult instance.

API Reference: For a description of each field in the request and response, see the Create text, image, and audio embeddings page.

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