The response is an object which contains the following fields:

  • data: A list of objects representing the search results, each of which contains the following fields:
    • (Optional) modules: When searching across multiple sources of information, the platform returns an additional array named modules indicating the confidence level that the result is accurate for each matching source of information. Each element is a dictionary composed of the following key-value pairs:
      • type: The source of information for which the video clip matched your search terms. It can take one of the following values: conversation, visual, text_in_video, and logo.
      • confidence: The confidence level that the result is accurate.
        The following example shows that a video clip matched your search terms using two sources of information - conversation and visual:
      1"modules": [
      2 {
      3 "type": "conversation",
      4 "confidence": "medium"
      5 },
      6 {
      7 "type": "visual",
      8 "confidence": "low"
      9 }
    • score: A quantitative value determined by the AI engine representing the level of confidence that the results match your search terms.
    • start: The start time of the matching video clip, expressed in seconds.
    • end: The end time of the matching video clip, expressed in seconds.
    • video_id: The unique identifier of the video that matched your search terms.
    • metadata: An array of objects where each object contains details about the source of information that matched your search terms and is composed of the following key-value pairs:
      • type: Represents the source of information for which the video clip matched your search terms. It can take one of the following values: visual, conversation, text_in_video, and logo.
      • (Optional) text: For conversation and text_in_video, the platform returns a field named text, representing the text that matches your search terms. When performing a semantic search, the platform determines the meaning of your search query, rather than just matching your search terms to the content of your videos. This means that the value of this field doesn’t always match your search terms.
      1"metadata": [
      2 {
      3 "type": "conversation",
      4 "text": "The safety car has gone, the lights gone green and there's a big crash at the back and that is the Alfa Romeo, certainly Antonio was involved in that skirmish as well."
      5 }
    • confidence: A qualitative indicator based on the value of the score field. This field can take one of the following values:
      • high
      • medium
      • low
      • extremely_low
    • (Optional) thumbnail_url: If thumbnail generation has been enabled for this index, the platform returns a string representing the URL of the segment’s thumbnail. Note that the URL expires in one hour.
  • page_info: An object that provides information about pagination. The platform returns the results one page at a time, with a default limit of 10 results per page. For details about retrieving the subsequent pages of results and configuring the pagination behavior, see the Pagination > Search results page.
  • pool: An object that contains the total number of videos within the index, the total duration of the videos, and the unique identifier of the index that you’ve searched.

For a description of each field in the response, see the API Reference > Any-to-video search page.

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