Grouping and ungrouping search results

Grouping and ungrouping refer to the process of organizing the results of a search request in a specific way. The platform allows for grouping based on the unique identifiers of the videos. For example, this is useful when building a user interface, because it allows your users to better understand and navigate the search results. On the other hand, ungrouping presents your search results in a flat list. This is useful if you want to view all of the search results in a simple manner. Note that this feature can only be used with simple queries.

To group or ungroup items in a response, use the group_by parameter, specifying one of the following values:

  • video: The platform will group the matching video clips in the response by video.
  • clip: The matching video clips in the response will not be grouped.

The group_by parameter is optional and its default value is clip. If omitted, the platform will use the default value. For clarity, the examples in this section always specify the group_by parameter.

For a description of each field in the request and response, see the API Reference> Make any-to-video search requests page.


  • You’re familiar with the concepts that are described on the Platform overview page.
  • You’ve already created an index, and the Marengo video understanding engine is enabled for this index.
  • You’ve already uploaded a video, and the platform has finished indexing it.


Grouping items in a response

The following example code groups the matching video clips in the response by video:

1from twelvelabs import TwelveLabs
3client = TwelveLabs(api_key="<YOUR_API_KEY>")
5search_results =
6 index_id="<YOUR_INDEX_ID>,
7 query_text="<YOUR_QUERY>,
8 options=["visual"],
9 group_by="video"
12# Utility function to print a specific page
13def print_page(page):
14 for video in page:
15 print(f"Video id: {}")
16 for clip in video.clips:
17 print(clip)
18 print(
19 f"\tscore={clip.score} start={clip.start} end={clip.end} confidence={clip.confidence} metadata={clip.metadata}"
20 )
24while True:
25 try:
26 print_page(next(search_results))
27 except StopIteration:
28 break

The output should look similar to the following one:

Video id: 65d60bcf48db9fa780cb415e
score=83.73 start=273.96875 end=289.0625 video_id='65d60bcf48db9fa780cb415e' metadata=[{'type': 'visual'}] confidence='high'
score=83.73 start=273.96875 end=289.0625 confidence=high metadata=[{'type': 'visual'}]
score=83.55 start=397.921875 end=439.84375 video_id='65d60bcf48db9fa780cb415e' metadata=[{'type': 'visual'}] confidence='high'
score=83.55 start=397.921875 end=439.84375 confidence=high metadata=[{'type': 'visual'}]
score=83.46 start=294.5625 end=311.84375 video_id='65d60bcf48db9fa780cb415e' metadata=[{'type': 'visual'}] confidence='high'
Video id: 65d5fbad48db9fa780cb415c
score=83.36 start=342.6875 end=353.140625 video_id='65d5fbad48db9fa780cb415c' metadata=[{'type': 'visual'}] confidence='high' thumbnail_url=None module_confidence=None
score=83.36 start=342.6875 end=353.140625 confidence=high metadata=[{'type': 'visual'}]
score=83.32 start=164.671875 end=200.71875 video_id='65d5fbad48db9fa780cb415c' metadata=[{'type': 'visual'}] confidence='high' thumbnail_url=None module_confidence=None
score=83.32 start=164.671875 end=200.71875 confidence=high metadata=[{'type': 'visual'}]
score=83.31 start=329.96875 end=337.75 video_id='65d5fbad48db9fa780cb415c' metadata=[{'type': 'visual'}] confidence='high' thumbnail_url=None module_confidence=None
score=83.31 start=329.96875 end=337.75 confidence=high metadata=[{'type': 'visual'}]

In this example, note that the data array contains a list of objects. Each object corresponds to a video that matches your query and is composed of the following key-value pairs:

  • clips: An array that groups the information about all the matching video clips in that video.
  • id: The unique identifier of the video that matched your query.

Ungrouping items in a response

The following example performs a search request, and the matching video clips in the response are not grouped:

1from twelvelabs import TwelveLabs
3client = TwelveLabs(api_key="<YOUR_API_KEY>")
5search_results =
6 index_id="<YOUR_INDEX_ID>",
7 query_text= "<YOUR_QUERY>"
8 options=["visual"],
9 group_by='clip'
11# Utility function to print a specific page
12def print_page(page):
13 for clip in page:
14 print(
15 f" video_id={clip.video_id} score={clip.score} start={clip.start} end={clip.end} confidence={clip.confidence} metadata={clip.metadata}"
16 )
20while True:
21 try:
22 print_page(next(search_results))
23 except StopIteration:
24 break

The output should look similar to the following one:

video_id=65d6131c48db9fa780cb415f score=52.04 start=4.5625 end=14.8125 confidence=low metadata=[{'type': 'visual'}]
video_id=65d6131c48db9fa780cb415f score=50.94 start=20.9375 end=25.09375 confidence=low metadata=[{'type': 'visual'}]
video_id=65d60bcf48db9fa780cb415e score=50.94 start=20.9375 end=25.09375 confidence=low metadata=[{'type': 'visual'}]
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