Each task represents a request to upload and index a video, and you can use this endpoint to manage your tasks. A task starts when you begin uploading your video by calling the POST method of the /tasks endpoint, and it can be in one of the following statuses:

  • Validating: Your video has finished uploading, and the API service is validating it by performing the following checks:
    • Resolution must be greater than or equal to 360p and less than or equal to 1080p (FHD).
    • File size must not exceed 2 GB.
    • Duration must be between 10 seconds and 2 hours (7,200s).
    • Your video must contain an audio track.
    • Your video must not have missing frames.
  • Pending: The API is spawning a new worker server to process your video.
  • Indexing: The API is transforming the video you uploaded into vectors. A vector is like a compressed version of the video and contains all the information that Twelve Labs' deep-learning models need to perform fast, semantic, accurate, and scalable searches.
  • Ready: Your video is ready to be searched.
  • Failed: If an error occurs, the status is set to Failed.



When using this endpoint, you can set up webhooks to receive notifications. For details, see the Webhooks section.

Related guide: Upload videos.