Titles, topics, or hashtags


This endpoint generates concise overviews in the form of titles, topics, and hashtags representing the key elements or themes of a video.


This endpoint is rate-limited. For details, see the Rate limits page.


This endpoint expects an object.

The unique identifier of the video for which you want to generate a gist.

typeslist of enumsRequired
Allowed values: topichashtagtitle

An array specifying the type of text the platform must generate. Use one or more of the following values:

  • topic: A topic is the central theme of a video, such as “Shopping Vlog Lifestyle”, summarizing its content for efficient categorization and reference.

  • hashtag: A hashtag, like “#BlackFriday”, represents key themes in a video, enhancing its discoverability and categorization on social media platforms.

  • title: A title succinctly captures a video’s main theme, such as “From Consumerism to Minimalism: A Journey Toward Sustainable Living,” guiding viewers to its content and themes.


The gist has successfully been generated.


Unique identifier of the response.


Suggested title for the video.

topicslist of stringsOptional

An array containing a list of topics related to the video.

hashtagslist of stringsOptional

Am array containing a list of hashtags related to the video.


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